Source code for tslumen

"""tslumen helps bring to light the key characteristics of your time series data with rich,
pre-canned artifacts, packed with charts and statistical information. The primary goal of
tslumen is to expedite and bring consistency to how time series EDA is performed, allowing you to
uncover the fundamental aspects in seconds rather than hours or days.
from pkg_resources import get_distribution, DistributionNotFound

from tslumen.profile import DefaultProfiler
from import HtmlReport, Dashboard

    __version__ = get_distribution(__name__).version
except DistributionNotFound:
    __version__ = ""

del get_distribution, DistributionNotFound


[docs]def show_versions() -> None: """Prints out information about the python environment and key libraries, useful for debugging.""" import platform import sys import importlib from collections import OrderedDict versions = OrderedDict() versions["python"] = sys.version.replace("\n", " ") versions["executable"] = sys.executable versions["machine"] = platform.platform() versions["tslumen"] = __version__ for mod in CORE_DEPENDENCIES: try: ver = getattr(importlib.import_module(mod), "__version__", "cannot determine version") except ImportError: ver = "not installed" versions[mod] = ver for key, val in versions.items(): print(f"{key:>25s}: {val}")
__all__ = ["__version__", "show_versions", "DefaultProfiler", "HtmlReport", "Dashboard"]