Quick Start

Basic Usage

Creating an HTML report from a Jupyter notebook, is as simple as loading the data to a Pandas DataFrame and instantiating tslumen’s HtmlReport class. A few conditions need to be met:

  • Index must be of type DatetimeIndex and have a recognizable frequency (df.index.inferred_freq)

  • Each column should represent a single time series

  • Column names need to be strings

Any non-numeric data included in the dataframe is discarded before processing.

import pandas as pd
from tslumen import HtmlReport

# create/read data into a data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(...)

# generate the report
    df,                  # the timeseries dataframe
    meta={               # optional: dictionary with the metadata
        'frame': {...},  # <key: str>: <value: str>
        'series': {...}, # <column name: str>: <series description: str>

Adjusting the profiler’s parameters

A lot of thought has gone into designing the profiling functions in such a way that they require little to no adjusting, with the defaults working well in most cases. Nevertheless, we still want to offer the ability to fine tune all parameters, so that you’re fully in control. Simple to use, yet completely configurable.

To manually define the parameters of a given profiling function, simply supply the desired overrides in dictionary format to HtmlReport’s profiler_config parameter. Example:

        'kpss_stationarity': {'confidence_level': 0.1},
        'adfuller_stationarity': {'confidence_level': 0.1},

As illustrated in the example, profiler_config is a 2-level dictionary, with the first level indexed by function name, and the second by parameter. To find out exactly what profiling functions are available, their parameters and acceptable values, refer to the API documentation. Alternatively, the full dictionary can be copied from a rendered version of HtmlReport under the “Execution” tab.

Run from the command line

tslumen leverages Hydra for managing configurations and exposing through a CLI. Essentially there are 5 classes of arguments exposed by the interface:

  • input path to the input file [mandatory]

  • output path to the output file [defaults to stdout]

  • reader for configuring how to parse the input file into a Pandas DataFrame.

  • profiler equivalent to the profiler_config parameter in HtmlReport

  • scheduler to override the scheduler’s configurations

For details on each of these, refer to the API documentation.

A few examples.

Getting help – notice the use of a pager, reason being the number of options is quite large.

tslumen --help | less

Processing a nicely formatted csv file, where the first column contains the datetimes in an interpretable format and the data is separated by commas:

tslumen input=my_dataset.csv output=tslumen-my_dataset.html
# or
tslumen input=my_dataset.csv > tslumen-my_dataset.html

Overriding a profiling function’s parameter:

tslumen input=my_dataset.csv profiler.kpss_stationarity.confidence_level=0.01 > out.html

To understand in more detail how applications built on Hydra work refer to their documentation.

Running the interactive dashboard

To produce an interactive dashboard, a Dashboard object should be used instead of HtmlReport. Once instantiated, a server needs to be spawned by invoking the object’s run_server method. Common arguments to override include mode, host and port.

import pandas as pd
from tslumen import Dashboard

# create/read data into a data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(...)

# instantiate the Dashboard
dashboard  = Dashboard(
    df,                  # the timeseries dataframe
    meta={               # optional: dictionary with the metadata
        'frame': {...},  # <key: str>: <value: str>
        'series': {...}, # <column name: str>: <series description: str>

# run the server
dashboard.run_server(mode="inline", host="localhost", port='8000', debug=True)

Refer to JupyterDash’s documentation for more details.


In order to run the interactive dashboard all extra dependencies need to be installed. See Installation.